Friday, May 3, 2013

Golan Levin

Golan Levin's AMA Video Uses Experimental 3D cinema

"there are specialized programming languages for everyone" 

Yet again a video that makes me want to learn programming, it is so useful! I have moved it to the top of my list and there are free online resources to help me learn the basics. I almost wish I could stay in college longer so I could take a few classes. This is the future of communications and is such a valuable skill to understand the devices we use on a daily basis. Not to mention if you can program you can basically never be unemployed because people are always looking to hire. 

I love that his entire interview is in Kinect format - it makes it so unique and really gets to the theme of what he is talking about which is computer art. The interview itself is made into almost a video art piece and decontextualized rather than being a straight forward interview. Besides learning programming and coding, i want a kinect-- I will also put that on my list. 

I like how he defines the value of a degree as more than the piece of paper but the value of connecting with people, working with them and learning from them.. that might be my favorite part as I am understanding this value more and more as I graduate and move onto higher education. 

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