Sunday, March 24, 2013

Grid Art Project

For my grid art project, I chose to use paint swatches. This was inspired by my client for my Ad Campaigns class, Glidden Paint. I thought the project would be a cool idea for an execution for an ad campaign and could help me familiarize myself with the product. I had to go to three different Walmarts and to take enough paint chips to execute my project. I used crazy glue to secure the swatches to a piece of plywood that I had cut according to the dimensions of the swatches to leave me room for 30x30.

I chose a photograph of a young Steve Jobs holding an Apple for my project for a few reasons. First I was searching for a picture with good color contrast. My medium of the swatches allowed me to be able to incorporate shading and tones in my project so I wanted a picture that would let me use this benefit. Steve Jobs is also a personal idol of mine, not for his personality which was known to be harsh and narcissistic but because of his ability to be a revolutionary. I see Steve Jobs as a role model because he never took no for an answer. He didn't abide by the status quo, believed in innovation and believed in quality products. He also was able to bring out the highest potential in those around them by pretending things they thought were impossible were possible and forcing them to strive to make the impossible happen. I find the man inspiring, however now after hours and hours of putting together his face with paint swatches, I must admit I kind of never want to look at him again. 

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