My first research on Alan Turing leads me to find that he is known as one of the fathers of computer science and artificial intelligence. Awesome!
Upon first research Alan Turing, it seems to me that he was a genius, a man "before his time" if you will. Between translating code during the war and inventing the computing machine during his time at Princeton he is the type of man that should be considered a hero by his home country.
I find it ridiculous that after all he did for computer science and his country, he was arrested for homosexuality, which was illegal in the UK at that time in 1952 (only 60ish years ago). Instead of going to prison he chose estrogen injections, which were thought to balance his libito.
It is insane to see what law and justice was at times throughout history.
Rest in peace, Alan Turing.
It really makes you think about how law and society aren't always right. What will we look back on 70 years from now and think how could we have persecuted that people? It is known that Alan Turing saw no wrong and felt no remorse in his actions, but I wish he was able to make more of a movement. Of course that is hard for anyone being challenged by their government and society. Ultimiatley their punishments led to his suicide, which creeps me out because his body was found on my birthday June 8th.