Monday, April 22, 2013

Performance Art

I was struggling to figure out a concept for my performance art piece when an idea struck me after a saturday night out in Ybor. I saw many people way too drunk, people passed out and stumbling home. I myself wanted to put my head down after a few too many drinks. I think a major issue in American college is substance abuse specifically drinking and knowing limits along with maintaing control. Recently a friends sister , after drinking and having a physical altercation, was left on the side of the road. No one stopped to help her for many hours and she was sub sequentially in the hospital in critical condition for a number of days. This tragic incident inspired me.

I decided to go to Ybor city and lay down on the sidewalk as if I had passed out drunk with a sing that said "Should I stop drinking?" Some people barely took notice, no one asked if I was okay or what was going on. Some people took selfless with me in the background. One man said "I wonder if she's really drunk" and another man responded "no its just for a message" a third chimed in and said "well I'm gonna go drink now!" Many cars, as you can see in my video slowed to a halt but then continued on driving. You would think a girl laying in the middle of the sidewalk would attract more attention, many people simply laughed.

During my performance piece I felt extremely vulnerable. I was laying with my eyes closed and I could only hear what was going on around me. I struggled to keep a straight face and didn't know what to do as I heard a waiter reporting me to security. I kept still for the message of the piece until a security guard on a segway forced me to get up or he would call the cops. I told him I was simply trying to raise awareness for a class project and meant no harm. He said don't get smart with me and get off my property. I thought that he was very rude and power hungry, maybe that will be in the inspiration for my next performance art piece if I ever do one again!


  1. I strongly appreciate the deeper meaning behind your project because it is in fact something we can all relate to- I admire you for jumping out of your comfort zone and lying face down in the streets of ybor, something few people would do. The expressions of people passing by were perfect- you got a lot of great interaction with the camera and all in all this was very well done!

  2. I'm glad someone else sat still for their project. I can appreciate what you went through; being totally unaware of your surroundings is a weird feeling, especially knowing that people are watching and judging your decisions. The concept behind your project was really great, I wish that people would've written on your sign, but their reactions were pretty funny nonetheless.

  3. I know it was in Ybor, but the lack of concern for your well being (besides that one guy) was really shocking to me. It is amazing how used to the "passed out drunk girl" people are, they are too desensitized to notice or even care if someone needs help. Very good subject, very striking, and props for laying on the sidewalk, that takes guts. Good Job :)

  4. Alcoholism is definitely a problem among college aged students and this piece does a good job addressing it. I like that the hidden cameraperson allows for more candid reactions from the audience.

  5. Sam I loved your project! I like that you chose a real issue like Alcoholism and commented on it in a place where drinking is so common. I loved the reactions you got from passerby's. There was meaning to your work and it is evident. I still can't believe no one tried to help you!

  6. This message coupled with the location you decided to go with was perfect. The simplicity added to its power, and though people may not have directly interacted with your poster, the power of the piece is still apparent and relevant.
